Thursday, July 26, 2018

Off the Shelf: This or That Tag

Courtesy of Dr. Sterkel at this fine blog:

1.  Series or Stand-Alone?

Stand-alone.  Too many authors write series so they don't have to come up with new ideas.  It's also a way to get readers because they feel obligated to continue what they started, not because the books are good.

2.  Magic Earned or Magic Born?

Neither.  The only good thing we got from the Harry Potter books was Lindsay Lohan's SNL skit.

3.  Enemies to Lovers or Friends to Lovers?

Friends to Lovers.  I think it's more realistic.  Not that I've ever wanted  a friend to be my lover.  But some of the basics needed for a good romance are the same as the ones for a good friendship.

4.  Hilarious Banter or Emotional Ruin?

A spot of humor can be good. But I think a heavy dose of cynicism is part of a healthy diet. Not like 'my brother's dying from cancer'.  More like people are horrible and the world sucks. So more like jaded and dead inside than whining and crying.

5.  Love Triangle or Insta-Love?

Love triangle.  I think insta-love is stupid.  It's either lust or people desperate to find somebody to latch onto.

6.  Keyboard-Smash Names or All Names Start with the Same Letter?

Keyboard-smash.  The same letter thing just seems lazy.

7.  Mean Parents or Dead Parents?

Dead.  I don't care about your parents.  I don't want to read about them.

8.  Supermodel Looks or Constantly Complaining About How Plain They are?

Supermodel looks.  Plain people are all over the place.  I don't need to read about them.  I don't need to read books about complaining either.

9.  Face on Cover or Typography on Cover?

Face.  Typography just seems lazy.  If you can't be bothered to come up with a good pic for your cover, why should I be bothered to read your book?

10.  Villain Turning a Little Good or Hero Turning a Little Bad?

I feel like villainess who's good in bed should be an option.  I'll go with hero who's a little bad though.  Not turning. Just already is.  Like Rick in Casablanca.          

If you would like to do this tag, have at it.  After you've visited Dr. Sterkel at the link I posted above.      


  1. Insta-Love is more Insta-Lust. I think there are more love triangles than we realize. Most marriages work when there is a basis for friendship. I am getting sick of all the series so a stand alone film is more rewarding. I like a villain who shows some good...they are not so cardboard then. Dead Parents are better-if they were nice, you have fond memories but if they were bad...good riddance. I love harry Potter so I am all for magic born. I am getting tired of all the whining and start living!

    1. How is that magic born? Don't they go to Hogwarts to learn magic?

    2. Harry was born with the magic but had no idea how to harness it which is why they go to school.

  2. You did the tag! I’m going to have to look up the Lindsay Lohan skit. I don’t think I’ve seen it. It’s probably on YouTube somewhere.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!
