Tuesday, April 26, 2016

A to Z Challenge: V

V is for Villain.  So let's get to it.

Wicked Witch of the West:  Why can't I get a date on Friday night? Is it my make-up?  Is it my name?  Is it my bonding with weird monkeys?

Ernst Stavro Blofeld:  Posing for an early cover of Cat Fancy magazine. 

Darth Vader:  Just hold on with one hand and reach for me with your other hand, Luke.  Oh wait - you can't.  Bwahahahahaha!!!!!

Meredith Johnson:  Notice the fear in the innocent male's eyes, as the merciless female stalks her prey.  As women do.

Dr. Evil:  Saving money on shampoo, like a boss. 

Question for Readers:  Did you notice the close resemblance between the Wicked Witch of the West and Meredith Johnson?


  1. Poor witchiepoo who has a hard time finding a date. I've not seen that film with Michael Douglas but I would add that delightful mom fro the Manchuria. candidate.

    1. The Douglas / Moore film is Disclosure. Dennis Miller's in it as well.

      Yeah. I left some good ones off, because there have been a lot.

  2. A lot of villains have no hair. Maybe that's the secret to world domination. Skip the shampoo.

    ~Ninja Minion Patricia Lynne aka Patricia Josephine~
    Story Dam
    Patricia Lynne, Indie Author

    1. It seems that most women prefer men with hair. So maybe it's the lack of love that leads bald men to villainy.

  3. I have watched those movies, great villians

    1. I considered the bad wizard in Lord of the Rings. I'm satisfied with my choices though.
