Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Time Traveling

Another trade with Matty K.

-  Gladding led the NL in Saves in 1969, the first season they were recognized as an official stat.  He also has the lowest non-zero batting average in MLB history: .016.  

-    I remember Reuschel from the late-1980s Giants, but here he is as a Cub. 

-  Fingers sporting #34, in honor of Charles Barkley.

-  A Marlboro billboard at the ballpark.  Kind of surprised I was able to get this one. 

-  Not a Barry B. fan, but he was too good a player to pass up at such a low price. 


  1. I'm not sure if I knew that '69 was the first year that saves became official. It seems kind of late though.

  2. I didn't know the 1969 thing either. I would have thought it was earlier. Cool piece of trivia. By the way... that's a cool photo of Rollie. Reuschel too.
