So I received three envelopes in the mail: one had free cards and the other two were trades.
Free 2020 Gypsy Queen baseball cards from Rod at Padrographs:

So props to Rod for hooking me up with my first GQ cards.
Trade with Eric, from TCDB:

The Score Marino is #13, like his uniform number. :)
Trade with Mike, from TCDB:

In other news that isn't worth its own post: I had sponsored a series of mini contests on TCDB and have started to send out people's cards.
I also sponsored an NFL Draft contest for a larger card bundle. Was kind of disappointed more people didn't enter it. But it got a few entries, so it could've been worse. Ha. Anyway, I have the winner's stash packaged and ready. I should get it out today.
Lastly, I feel like I should transition my better cards to 9-pockets and binders, but I currently don't have access to Target or my local hobby shop. So they're going to be stuck in boxes a while longer. At least they're in top loaders.