and she brought a couple more boxes of cards down. One of baseball, which was pretty much what I expected - mostly overproduction era and not much star power. But the other one was football and it was a bit more interesting.

- The Throwin' Samoan.
- Edwards of Miracle at the Meadowlands fame.
- Owens is a Congressman now.
- Another Jordan for my multi-sport collection.
- If I do a bust collection, Mandarich is a shoe-in.
- The Fridge.
So yeah - no WOW cards, but some good players. Mostly offensive linemen and defensive guys, though Carlos Carson, Haywood Jeffires, Ernest Givins, and a Jay Novacek RC (as a Cardinal) were in there.
There were a lot of early 1980s Topps, which makes no sense to me. This was a few years before I started collecting and they're not guys I would have targeted as singles. 1983 in particular - so if you're building that set, feel free to shoot me your want list.
The oldest in the box were six from 1979: Preston Pearson, Butch Johnson, and four lesser known Eagles.
Anyway, I'll show some of the baseball cards tomorrow.
(as usual, card images from TCDB)