Friday, August 6, 2021

August 6

So a blogger mentioned that he was sick of people who keep grabbing the free cards and I felt my ears burning.  A normal person might stop claiming free cards for  a while.  But this is me.  

U.S. and Canada only.

Previous commenters only. 

First person to name my least favorite football team gets a 9-card PWE of that team.  Good players, but they're not cards that are particularly special.  



  1. Never be ashamed to claim cards that are offered for free!!

  2. Replies
    1. I got the PWE. Thank you! I hadn't gone back to check the post so when it showed up I was like...uh? Then I remembered!

  3. Looks my guess of the Patriots would've been wrong, so I don't have to feel bad about getting here late.

  4. I rarely claim free cards. As for contests... I'm so far behind in reading posts... I accept the fact that others will beat me to it. Thanks to the generosity among us... there's enough free cards floating around the blogosphere to put smiles on most of our faces.
