Monday, March 24, 2025

Musical Melee - Round One Part III


48 hours to vote on each match-up.

Bob Dylan

Lana Del Rey

Elton John

Jimi Hendrix

Elvis Presley

Eric Clapton

Rod Stewart

James Brown

Marvin Gaye

Neil Young

David Bowie

Leonard Cohen

Paul McCartney

Phil Collins

Taylor Swift



  1. 1. Dylan
    2. Elton John
    3. Elvis
    4. Rod Stewart
    5. Gaye/Young - no vote, hate them both
    6. Bowie
    7. McCartney
    8. Swift, but blech.

  2. 1. Dylan
    2. Hendrix
    3. Clapton
    4. Brown
    5. Gaye
    6. Bowie
    7. McCartney
    8. no vote

  3. Dylan
    Elton John
    Rod Stewart
    Neil Young
    David Bowie
    Phil Collins

  4. Lana Del Rey
    Elton John
    Elvis Presley
    James Brown
    Marvin Gaye
    Leonard Cohen
    Paul McCartney
    Taylor Swift

  5. 1. Dylan
    2. Elton John
    3. Elvis
    4. Rod Stewart (although lot of his songs I don't like)
    5. Neil Young
    6. Bowie
    7. McCartney
    8. Oof ... Swift?

  6. Bob Dylan
    Jimi Hendrix
    Elvis Presley
    Rod Stewart
    Neil Young
    David Bowie
    Phil Collins
    Taylor Swift

  7. Bob Dylan--I'm old, easy call. Big fan.

    Elton John--seen him live a few times, always a good show.

    Elvis Presley--can't vote for Eric Clapton with some of the positions he's taken lately.

    James Brown--finally some R&B!

    Neil Young--yet here I go voting for Neil over Marvin. Both are great.

    David Bowie--loved his Glass Spider tour.

    Paul McCartney--I'm as big a fan of his solo stuff as you'll find.

    Beyonce--close call, not my era but I admire them both.

  8. 1. Bob Dylan from Hibbing MN
    2. Elton John
    3. Eric Clapton
    4. James Brown
    5. Neil Young
    6. David Bowie
    7. Phil Collins
    8. Taylor Swift

  9. 1. Bob Dylan
    2. Elton John
    3. Eric Clapton
    4. Rod Stewart
    5. Marvin Gaye
    6. David Bowie
    7. Phil Collins
    8. Taylor Swift
